Queering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the SchubertiadeQueering the Schubertiade
Sholto Biscoe Taylor
I started singing when I was 17 years old in the London Youth Choir, I loved being surrounded by friends and singing together. Before long I had decided I wanted to be a singer. What attracted me to opera was how free it looked, I would sing with people who could sing seemingly any note at any volume. Since singing opera I've started to love the experience of using my whole body to create a sound and deliver meaning. In the last couple years I have been connecting more with my queerness. My interest started with learning about old queer spaces from small salons to big ball rooms. Learning songs from these times and performing them made me feel more confident in my own identity. A lot of these songs however only subtly nod to queerness. I want to participate in creating repertoire that is inherently and openly queer and celebrates all of the joy that I have found in it.
Becky Alice
I am a jazz singer from London, with a love of blues and American Song Book classics. I'm really excited to take part in this incredible evening of music and hopefully introduce people to some old music which is new to them. I spent a lot of time working in jazz clubs before starting undergraduate music education - as a bartender, videographer, manager anything I could to get close to the music. The last four years, being able to study the music I love and meet and work with other incredible musicians like Emile Hinton, have been some of the best of my life. But despite all I've learnt and been around, I'm constantly surprised by just how much queer art and history there is in jazz music and I hope people enjoy what I have to share
Asher Fynn
Asher Fynn is a dark songstress.Their voice soars through intimate power and relentless softness, with songs about freedom, representation, and even drastic hook up stories. Responding to many important issues, such as queer intimacy and experiences of violence... through humour, flirtation and sad songs! XO Photo taken @MrHughFox